UI/UX Design

Case Study



Introducing SmartCues: A Solution for Modern Times

SmartCues emerged during the COVID-19 era, brought to life by the innovative Imaginea team. In a world craving convenience and safety, SmartCues steps up to the plate by offering users a solution to one of the pandemic's everyday challenges – waiting in queues.

This ingenious app not only spares users from endless queueing but also champions social distancing, making it a versatile tool for schools, colleges, barber shops, supermarkets, restaurants, libraries, hospitals, veterinary clinics, and more.

SmartCues is a versatile application, compatible with mobile devices, tablets, and web platforms. With it, users can effortlessly book and manage their business footfall, ushering in a new era of convenience and safety. It's the answer to our ever-evolving world, and it's right at your fingertips with SmartCues.







UI Designer

Tool Used

Adobe XD

Product Overview

SpotCue - Streamlining Queue Management for Modern Times

SmartCues is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionise the way we handle queues in today's fast-paced and socially distanced world. Born during the COVID-19 pandemic under the skilled Imaginea team, SmartCues is the answer to the age-old problem of standing in long lines, especially when health and safety are paramount.

This versatile app caters to a wide range of establishments, from educational institutions like schools and colleges to everyday service providers like barber shops, supermarkets, restaurants, libraries, hospitals, veterinary clinics, and pharmacies. It offers a user-friendly experience, accessible on mobile devices, tablets, and web platforms.

With SmartCues, users can effortlessly book and manage their business footfall, ensuring not only a seamless experience but also the utmost safety during these uncertain times. Say goodbye to time wasted in queues and hello to the future of queue management with SmartCues.


SmartCues is your ticket to a more efficient and safer queue management experience:

Effortless Booking: Easily reserve your spot in a queue with a few taps, eliminating physical waiting.

Enhanced Safety: Maintain social distance and reduce exposure risks, especially in times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Versatility: SpotCue is available on mobile, tablet, and the web, ensuring accessibility.

Time-Saver: Say goodbye to long waits and use your time more efficiently.

Business Efficiency: Streamline customer flow, reduce congestion, and boost organisational efficiency.

Adaptable: Ideal for various businesses, including schools, hospitals, supermarkets, and libraries.

Customer Satisfaction: Empower customers and enhance your business reputation.

Safety First: Prioritise user safety without compromising convenience.

SmartCues is the modern solution for queue management, offering convenience, safety, and efficiency in one smart app.


Creating SmartCues presented a unique set of challenges:

Time Constraints: Urgency to launch quickly with limited development time.

Benchmarking Difficulty: Lack of direct competitors made benchmarking complex.

No Competitor Reference: No existing market standards or competitors to guide development.

Minimal Time for Design and Branding: Limited time for comprehensive design system and branding.

Safety Expectations: High expectations for user safety due to the pandemic.

Market Uncertainty: Navigating a pandemic-driven market with ever-changing user needs.

User Adoption Challenges: Introducing a new concept required users to adapt.

Despite these hurdles, the team persevered to deliver an innovative solution for safer and more convenient queue management.


In the development of SmartCues, research was a critical part of shaping the app's functionality and design.

Key areas of focus included:

User Needs and Expectations: Understanding pandemic-related user needs and expectations.

Market Analysis: Analysing adjacent industries and trends to fill the gap left by the absence of direct competitors.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with evolving health and safety regulations.

Usability Testing: Rigorous testing with real users to refine features.

Feedback Loops: Continuous user feedback to adapt to evolving requirements.

Tech Stack and Infrastructure: Identifying the most suitable technology and infrastructure.

Data Security and Privacy: Ensuring robust data security and privacy measures.

This ongoing and adaptable research effort was crucial in creating a dynamic solution that met the unique challenges of the COVID-19 era.


SmartCues overcame its challenges with:

Efficient Development: Agile methods ensured rapid deployment.

Pioneering Innovation: Trailblazing in a market without competitors.

Adaptive Design: Quick adaptation to evolving user needs and safety guidelines.

Minimalist Branding: Streamlined branding to focus on core user experience.

Safety-Centric Approach: Integration of social distancing features and real-time safety updates.

Cross-Platform Flexibility: Accessibility on mobile, tablet, and web platforms.

User-Centric Development: User-focused usability testing and continuous feedback loops.

Security Measures: Stringent data protection protocols for user information.

SmartCues's development embraced innovation, adaptability, and a user-centric approach, addressing the unique challenges of the COVID-19 era.

Design Process

The design process for SmartCues was a dynamic journey characterised by adaptability and user-centricity.

Here's how it unfolded:

Rapid Prototyping: With time constraints, the team quickly moved into prototyping, iterating design solutions swiftly. This approach allowed for rapid feature development and user testing.

Minimalistic Design: Recognising the limited time for branding and design system creation, a minimalist design approach was adopted. This prioritised core user experience elements and usability.

User-Centric Iteration: Usability testing with real users played a pivotal role. Continuous feedback loops ensured that SmartCues evolved to meet changing user expectations and safety requirements.

Safety-First Framework: As safety was paramount, the design integrated features that helped users maintain social distancing and receive real-time safety updates.

Cross-Platform Accessibility: Ensuring inclusivity, SmartCues was designed to be accessible on mobile, tablet, and web platforms, catering to a wide user base.

Data Security Integration: The design process incorporated robust data security and privacy protocols, safeguarding sensitive user information.

Overall Flow

Design Principles

The design principles for SmartCues were meticulously crafted to ensure a user-centric and innovative approach:

User-Focused Experience: Prioritising user needs and convenience to create a seamless and efficient queue management experience.

Safety-Centric Design: Integrating safety measures to enable users to maintain social distancing and providing real-time safety updates.

Cross-Platform Consistency: Ensuring a uniform and intuitive design across mobile, tablet, and web platforms for a consistent user experience.

Minimalistic Branding: Embracing minimalism to streamline branding and design, focusing on core user interactions without compromising quality.

Agile Adaptation: A commitment to adapting swiftly to evolving user expectations and safety guidelines, ensuring the app remains current and relevant.

Efficiency-Driven Approach: A dedication to optimising the app's design for maximum efficiency, reducing waiting times, and enhancing user satisfaction.

Data Security and Privacy: Integrating robust data protection protocols to safeguard user information and privacy.

These design principles guide SmartCues in revolutionising queue management, making it safer, more efficient, and user-centric in an ever-changing world.

Problem resolution

Problem resolution

Problem resolution

SmartCues successfully navigated a series of challenges through innovative solutions. With stringent time constraints, the team embraced agile methodologies, enabling rapid feature deployment and timely delivery. In the absence of direct competitors, benchmarking was a unique hurdle, prompting the team to draw insights from adjacent industries and global trends to inform their strategy.

Safety was a top priority, leading to the integration of real-time safety updates and social distancing measures. Minimalist branding and design became the hallmark of SmartCues, allowing the team to focus on core user interactions while maintaining quality. The app's accessibility on mobile, tablet, and web platforms ensured inclusivity.

User feedback was central, driving the app's user-centric adaptation to evolving needs and safety requirements. Robust data security and privacy measures were integrated to safeguard sensitive user information. SmartCues' development journey showcases innovative solutions, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to user safety and satisfaction in a challenging context.

Why Smartcues is important?

SmartCues holds significant importance in today's landscape for several key reasons:

Enhancing Safety: In an era marked by health concerns and social distancing requirements, SmartCues offers a solution that priorities user safety. By enabling individuals to manage their place in a queue without the need for physical presence, it contributes to minimising crowded spaces and potential exposure to health risks.

Efficiency and Convenience: SmartCues not only enhances safety but also delivers convenience. Users can avoid long queues and waiting times, making essential tasks and appointments more efficient. This is particularly valuable in critical sectors like healthcare, where timely access to services can be a matter of life and death.

Adaptability: The platform's cross-platform accessibility ensures that users can access its benefits through their preferred devices, be it mobile, tablet, or web. This adaptability and inclusivity make it relevant and accessible to a wide user base.

Data Security: As a custodian of sensitive user information, SmartCues places a strong emphasis on data security and privacy. This approach instills trust and confidence in its users, a critical factor in an era where data breaches are a significant concern.

Innovation in Uncertain Times: SmartCues demonstrates the capacity of innovation to address emerging challenges. The pandemic posed an unprecedented set of problems, and SmartCues emerged as a dynamic and relevant response, offering a blueprint for adapting to rapidly changing circumstances.

User-Centricity: The app's user-centric design and continuous adaptation to user feedback ensure that it remains aligned with evolving user needs and expectations.

SmartCues is more than a queue management tool; it's a symbol of adaptability, innovation, and a commitment to user safety. In a world facing evolving challenges, SmartCues stands as a pioneering solution, enhancing both safety and convenience in daily life.

Visual Design

The presented UI screens are just a glimpse; additional screens can be demonstrated upon request during a screen-sharing session.

results & impacts

SmartCues has made a significant impact, foremost in enhancing safety by enabling social distancing and reducing crowded queues, a critical contribution during the pandemic. Users have reported increased convenience, reduced wait times, and heightened efficiency in tasks and appointments. The platform has rapidly gained users across various sectors, from healthcare to retail, reflecting its versatile application. Its robust data security measures have instilled user trust. SmartCues stands as an innovation benchmark, addressing unprecedented challenges with adaptability. User-centric evolution ensures it stays aligned with evolving expectations, redefining queue management and providing valuable safety and convenience in today's dynamic world.


The SmartCues project has been a groundbreaking journey, redefining the way we approach queue management in an ever-evolving world. It has responded to unprecedented challenges with innovation, placing user safety and convenience at its core. SmartCues has not only enhanced safety during the pandemic but also minimised wait times and improved efficiency in a wide range of sectors. Its rapid adoption and robust data security measures have built a strong user community based on trust.

The project's adaptability and user-centric approach have set a benchmark for innovative problem-solving in the face of uncertainty.

*Respecting client NDAs and data privacy, actual data is excluded.