UI/UX Design

Design System

Case Study



Introducing Momentum, an internal product of Accenture, launched in 2020 and led by design visionary Katja Rentto. Momentum is a cloud-based SaaS tool that steers the complete client transformation journey, encompassing vision articulation, value definition, initiative tracking, and milestone management. It also integrates the Momentum 360-degree Value Meter for a comprehensive transformation view and offers real-time insights. Notably, Momentum's design system adheres to the 1AAA framework, ensuring a unified and coherent user experience across all platforms.

Introducing Momentum, an internal product of Accenture, launched in 2020 and led by design visionary Katja Rentto. Momentum is a cloud-based SaaS tool that steers the complete client transformation journey, encompassing vision articulation, value definition, initiative tracking, and milestone management. It also integrates the Momentum 360-degree Value Meter for a comprehensive transformation view and offers real-time insights. Notably, Momentum's design system adheres to the 1AAA framework, ensuring a unified and coherent user experience across all platforms.








2021 - 2023

2021 - 2023


Product Designer

Product Designer

Tool Used



Product Overview

Product Overview

Product Overview

A cloud-based SaaS tool designed to drive the entire lifecycle of client transformations by:

Transformation Vision Articulation: Helps clients clearly define and communicate their transformation goals and objectives.

Value Definition: Assists in quantifying and specifying the outcomes and benefits that can be achieved through the transformation process.

Initiative and Milestone Tracking: Enables the monitoring and management of individual projects and their milestones within the transformation journey.

Project Team Assignment Tracking: Keeps a record of project team members' roles and responsibilities, ensuring efficient collaboration.

Holistic Transformation View: Integrates the Momentum 360-degree Value Meter to provide a comprehensive view of the entire transformation, including progress and impact.

Real-Time Oversight: Offers real-time insights and data analytics to allow for continuous monitoring and decision-making throughout the transformation process.

A cloud-based SaaS tool designed to drive the entire lifecycle of client transformations by:

Transformation Vision Articulation: Helps clients clearly define and communicate their transformation goals and objectives.

Value Definition: Assists in quantifying and specifying the outcomes and benefits that can be achieved through the transformation process.

Initiative and Milestone Tracking: Enables the monitoring and management of individual projects and their milestones within the transformation journey.

Project Team Assignment Tracking: Keeps a record of project team members' roles and responsibilities, ensuring efficient collaboration.

Holistic Transformation View: Integrates the Momentum 360-degree Value Meter to provide a comprehensive view of the entire transformation, including progress and impact.

Real-Time Oversight: Offers real-time insights and data analytics to allow for continuous monitoring and decision-making throughout the transformation process.




Momentum offers clients the advantage of centralising their transformation management within a digitally empowered, authoritative source. This unified platform is dedicated to the precise delineation, facilitation, and actualisation of value.

Furthermore, Momentum bridges the critical success elements of Vision, Value Definition, and Enablement, alongside crucial insights, talent resources, and seamless integration. This integrated approach is indispensable for attaining strategic objectives and extracting substantial value from intricate programs.

Momentum offers clients the advantage of centralising their transformation management within a digitally empowered, authoritative source. This unified platform is dedicated to the precise delineation, facilitation, and actualisation of value.

Furthermore, Momentum bridges the critical success elements of Vision, Value Definition, and Enablement, alongside crucial insights, talent resources, and seamless integration. This integrated approach is indispensable for attaining strategic objectives and extracting substantial value from intricate programs.




Many companies face difficulties in reaching their transformation goals because they lack the right expertise, resources, and tools. They struggle with defining their transformation strategy, improving their operations, enhancing customer experiences, and fostering innovation. This can lead to delays in achieving their goals, increased costs, and lower returns on investment.

Many companies face difficulties in reaching their transformation goals because they lack the right expertise, resources, and tools. They struggle with defining their transformation strategy, improving their operations, enhancing customer experiences, and fostering innovation. This can lead to delays in achieving their goals, increased costs, and lower returns on investment.




In order to create a design system that catered to the needs of both our users and designers, we undertook research to gain insights into their challenges and specific requirements. Additionally, we conducted a thorough examination of established design systems like Apple's HIG, Material Design, Microsoft's Fluent, and IBM Design Language to learn from their successful practices and potential shortcomings.

In order to create a design system that catered to the needs of both our users and designers, we undertook research to gain insights into their challenges and specific requirements. Additionally, we conducted a thorough examination of established design systems like Apple's HIG, Material Design, Microsoft's Fluent, and IBM Design Language to learn from their successful practices and potential shortcomings.




MOMENTUM provides several services to help organisations overcome their transformation challenges:

Transformation Strategy and Roadmap: MOMENTUM assists in defining a clear transformation plan and a step-by-step roadmap to achieve organisational goals.

Business Process Optimisation: MOMENTUM helps streamline business processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective.

Customer Experience Enhancement: MOMENTUM leverages technology and innovation to enhance the customer experience, making it more satisfying.

Technology Implementation and Integration: MOMENTUM aids in adopting and seamlessly integrating new technologies into existing business processes.

Change Management: MOMENTUM helps organisations navigate and manage the changes that come with transformation initiatives.

Design System: Following comprehensive research, we initiated the development of our design system, comprising four key elements: design principles, visual language, component library, and documentation.

MOMENTUM provides several services to help organisations overcome their transformation challenges:

Transformation Strategy and Roadmap: MOMENTUM assists in defining a clear transformation plan and a step-by-step roadmap to achieve organisational goals.

Business Process Optimisation: MOMENTUM helps streamline business processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective.

Customer Experience Enhancement: MOMENTUM leverages technology and innovation to enhance the customer experience, making it more satisfying.

Technology Implementation and Integration: MOMENTUM aids in adopting and seamlessly integrating new technologies into existing business processes.

Change Management: MOMENTUM helps organisations navigate and manage the changes that come with transformation initiatives.

Design System: Following comprehensive research, we initiated the development of our design system, comprising four key elements: design principles, visual language, component library, and documentation.

Design Process

Design Process

Design Process

Momentum employs a design-driven methodology to develop user-friendly solutions. This approach encompasses a deep understanding of user requirements, prototyping and iterative testing until achieving an optimal user experience.

Key principles guiding Momentum's design philosophy include:

User-Centric Design: The team priorities comprehending user needs and tailoring solutions to meet them effectively.

Simplicity: Solutions are crafted to be straightforward and easy to use, prioritising a user-friendly experience.

Scalability: Momentum designs solutions with scalability in mind, ensuring they can adapt and expand alongside the client's evolving business requirements.

Momentum employs a design-driven methodology to develop user-friendly solutions. This approach encompasses a deep understanding of user requirements, prototyping and iterative testing until achieving an optimal user experience.

Key principles guiding Momentum's design philosophy include:

User-Centric Design: The team priorities comprehending user needs and tailoring solutions to meet them effectively.

Simplicity: Solutions are crafted to be straightforward and easy to use, prioritising a user-friendly experience.

Scalability: Momentum designs solutions with scalability in mind, ensuring they can adapt and expand alongside the client's evolving business requirements.



Research Phase

Rip the brief

Define research area & method

Understanding Project content & problem space.

Learn about stakeholders & Users

Discover current & past approaches

Draft initial workflows, IA, & sitemaps.

Focus group intreviews



Research Phase

Review & Refine

Gather requirements, understand potential issues & determine scope.

Brainstorm & generate ideas.

Identify & outline likely solutions.

Refine workflows, AI & sitemaps for all the identified personas.



Synthesis Phase

Find Insight

Build themes & clusters

Define design strategy & approach.

Identify priorities & current scope.

Design wireframes & Interactions.

Start mood boarding & initial style guide.



Ideation Phase


Set ideas, a design vision & Hypotheses

Design UI for approved scope.

Design prototypes.

Conduct walk-through sessions.

Hands-off to dev team


Evaluate & Test

Implementation Phase

Test & Analyse

Learn, iterate & Repeat

Build, Iterate & Repeat

Release & Out

Test concepts & approach.

Discover & outline usability issue.

Address usability issues.

Plan for ongoing feedback, metrics.

Determine next steps

Deliverables: Persona definition, Workflows, Information architecture, Sitemaps, Design direction, Wireframes of POC

Deliverables: Wireframes, Mood boarding doc, Initial style guide

Deliverables: UI mockups, Prototypes, Updated style guide

Deliverables: Test report, Update UI mockups



Research Phase

Rip the brief

Define research area & method

Understanding Project content & problem space.

Learn about stakeholders & Users

Discover current & past approaches

Draft initial workflows, IA, & sitemaps.

Focus group intreviews



Research Phase

Review & Refine

Gather requirements, understand potential issues & determine scope.

Brainstorm & generate ideas.

Identify & outline likely solutions.

Refine workflows, AI & sitemaps for all the identified personas.



Synthesis Phase

Find Insight

Build themes & clusters

Define design strategy & approach.

Identify priorities & current scope.

Design wireframes & Interactions.

Start mood boarding & initial style guide.

Deliverables: Persona definition, Workflows, Information architecture, Sitemaps, Design direction, Wireframes of POC

Deliverables: Wireframes, Mood boarding doc, Initial style guide



Ideation Phase


Set ideas, a design vision & Hypotheses

Design UI for approved scope.

Design prototypes.

Conduct walk-through sessions.

Hands-off to dev team


Evaluate & Test

Implementation Phase

Test & Analyse

Learn, iterate & Repeat

Build, Iterate & Repeat

Release & Out

Test concepts & approach.

Discover & outline usability issue.

Address usability issues.

Plan for ongoing feedback, metrics.

Determine next steps

Deliverables: UI mockups, Prototypes, Updated style guide

Deliverables: Test report, Update UI mockups

Overall Flow

Overall Flow

Overall Flow




Design Principles

Design Principles

Design Principles

Four core design principles embraced by Momentum are:

Consistency: Ensuring that all products and platforms maintain a uniform appearance and user experience.

Simplicity: Prioritising straightforward and easily understandable designs.

Accessibility: Making designs inclusive and accessible to users of all abilities.

Flexibility: Designing with adaptability to accommodate various contexts and use cases in mind.

Four core design principles embraced by Momentum are:

Consistency: Ensuring that all products and platforms maintain a uniform appearance and user experience.

Simplicity: Prioritising straightforward and easily understandable designs.

Accessibility: Making designs inclusive and accessible to users of all abilities.

Flexibility: Designing with adaptability to accommodate various contexts and use cases in mind.

Problem resolution

Problem resolution

Problem resolution

A design system tackles the following key challenges:

Inconsistent Design: It establishes a cohesive look and feel across all products and platforms, reducing ambiguity and enhancing brand recognition.

Design Debt: By streamlining design elements, a design system enhances team efficiency, cutting down the time and resources needed for developing new products and platforms.

Collaboration: Offering a common language and resources, a design system facilitates effective teamwork and cooperation among different teams.

Scalability: The design system serves as a foundation for future design decisions, ensuring that new products and platforms align seamlessly with the brand's identity and values.

A design system tackles the following key challenges:

Inconsistent Design: It establishes a cohesive look and feel across all products and platforms, reducing ambiguity and enhancing brand recognition.

Design Debt: By streamlining design elements, a design system enhances team efficiency, cutting down the time and resources needed for developing new products and platforms.

Collaboration: Offering a common language and resources, a design system facilitates effective teamwork and cooperation among different teams.

Scalability: The design system serves as a foundation for future design decisions, ensuring that new products and platforms align seamlessly with the brand's identity and values.

Best Practices

Guidelines for establishing a successful design system:

Start Small: Commence with a select set of core components and expand gradually from this foundation.

Involve Stakeholders: Engage stakeholders from various segments of the organisation to secure their support and ensure alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Document Everything: Thoroughly document all guidelines, principles, and components to maintain consistency and ease future updates.

Test and Iterate: Regularly assess and refine the design system through testing and iteration to ensure it effectively serves the needs of both users and the organisation.

Guidelines for establishing a successful design system:

Start Small: Commence with a select set of core components and expand gradually from this foundation.

Involve Stakeholders: Engage stakeholders from various segments of the organisation to secure their support and ensure alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Document Everything: Thoroughly document all guidelines, principles, and components to maintain consistency and ease future updates.

Test and Iterate: Regularly assess and refine the design system through testing and iteration to ensure it effectively serves the needs of both users and the organisation.

Why design system is important?

Why design system is important?

Why design system is important?

Purpose: The primary purpose of a design system is to streamline the design process, promoting uniformity across all products and platforms. This efficiency not only saves time and resources but also elevates the user experience. It provides a foundation for future design decisions, ensuring alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Importance: A design system is of paramount importance for any organization aiming to deliver a seamless and consistent user experience across diverse products and platforms. Without it, teams tend to work independently, leading to inconsistent designs and user experiences. This can perplex users, damage brand trust, and result in resource wastage.

Recommendation: I strongly recommend the adoption of a design system for organizations committed to delivering a unified user experience. A design system not only economizes time and resources but also diminishes design discrepancies, securing alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Component Library: Within Momentum's component library, you'll find a repository of reusable UI components, encompassing elements like buttons, forms, and cards. These components are designed with modularity and flexibility in mind, ensuring easy adaptability and updates. Additionally, we've established clear guidelines for component usage, behaviour, and accessibility.

Purpose: The primary purpose of a design system is to streamline the design process, promoting uniformity across all products and platforms. This efficiency not only saves time and resources but also elevates the user experience. It provides a foundation for future design decisions, ensuring alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Importance: A design system is of paramount importance for any organization aiming to deliver a seamless and consistent user experience across diverse products and platforms. Without it, teams tend to work independently, leading to inconsistent designs and user experiences. This can perplex users, damage brand trust, and result in resource wastage.

Recommendation: I strongly recommend the adoption of a design system for organizations committed to delivering a unified user experience. A design system not only economizes time and resources but also diminishes design discrepancies, securing alignment with the brand's identity and values.

Component Library: Within Momentum's component library, you'll find a repository of reusable UI components, encompassing elements like buttons, forms, and cards. These components are designed with modularity and flexibility in mind, ensuring easy adaptability and updates. Additionally, we've established clear guidelines for component usage, behaviour, and accessibility.

Visual Design

Visual Design

Visual Design

The presented UI screens are just a glimpse; additional screens can be demonstrated upon request during a screen-sharing session.

The presented UI screens are just a glimpse; additional screens can be demonstrated upon request during a screen-sharing session.

results & impacts

results & impacts

results & impacts

Momentum has been a catalyst for numerous clients, propelling them towards their objectives and fostering growth in the digital era. These achievements are not just words; they are quantifiable outcomes. They include boosted revenue, reduced costs, and elevated customer satisfaction levels. Moreover, Momentum's inventive solutions have empowered clients to introduce novel products and services, streamline their operations, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Momentum has been a catalyst for numerous clients, propelling them towards their objectives and fostering growth in the digital era. These achievements are not just words; they are quantifiable outcomes. They include boosted revenue, reduced costs, and elevated customer satisfaction levels. Moreover, Momentum's inventive solutions have empowered clients to introduce novel products and services, streamline their operations, and maintain a competitive edge in their respective industries.




Momentum, a leading digital transformation service provider, offers innovative solutions and continuous support to empower businesses and organisations in the digital age. They prioritise user experience, design thinking, and data analytics, allowing for personalised solutions tailored to each client's distinct needs.

A design system, a vital element for organisations aiming to deliver uniform user experiences across all products and platforms, aligns seamlessly with Momentum's ethos. It serves as a framework for collaboration, ensuring consistency, and harmonising with the brand's identity and values.

Momentum, a leading digital transformation service provider, offers innovative solutions and continuous support to empower businesses and organisations in the digital age. They prioritise user experience, design thinking, and data analytics, allowing for personalised solutions tailored to each client's distinct needs.

A design system, a vital element for organisations aiming to deliver uniform user experiences across all products and platforms, aligns seamlessly with Momentum's ethos. It serves as a framework for collaboration, ensuring consistency, and harmonising with the brand's identity and values.

*Respecting client NDAs and data privacy, actual data is excluded.

*Respecting client NDAs and data privacy, actual data is excluded.