UI/UX Design

Tiny Success Story

Job Schedule

Job Schedule

As the lead UI/UX designer for the Job Scheduler project under Imaginea, I'm excited to present an innovative solution that transforms work management. Job Scheduler is a feature within the SpotCues application, offering users the ability to seamlessly manage their jobs, add shifts, apply for leave, and even facilitate appraisals, all within a single web app. This project is a testament to the power of user-centric design and efficiency, providing a comprehensive tool for both individuals and managers to optimize their work processes.







UI/UX Designer

Tool Used


Product Overview

Job Scheduler, an integral component of the SpotCues application, is your ultimate solution for streamlined work management. This feature empowers users to effortlessly organise their job tasks, schedule shifts, request leave, and even engage in appraisal processes, all through a user-friendly web application. Job Scheduler is designed to enhance work efficiency and provide a comprehensive platform for both individual users and managers to simplify and optimise their work-related activities.


SmartCues is your ticket to a more efficient and safer queue management experience:

Effortless Booking: Easily reserve your spot in a queue with a few taps, eliminating physical waiting.

Enhanced Safety: Maintain social distance and reduce exposure risks, especially in times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Versatility: SpotCue is available on mobile, tablet, and the web, ensuring accessibility.

Time-Saver: Say goodbye to long waits and use your time more efficiently.

Business Efficiency: Streamline customer flow, reduce congestion, and boost organisational efficiency.

Adaptable: Ideal for various businesses, including schools, hospitals, supermarkets, and libraries.

Customer Satisfaction: Empower customers and enhance your business reputation.

Safety First: Prioritise user safety without compromising convenience.

SmartCues is the modern solution for queue management, offering convenience, safety, and efficiency in one smart app.


The Job Scheduler project presented several key challenges:

Complex Workflow Management: Designing an interface that caters to a wide range of workflow management needs, from job task scheduling to leave requests and appraisals, posed a multifaceted design challenge.

User-Centric Approach: Balancing the needs of individual users seeking simplicity with the comprehensive requirements of managers striving for a holistic view of their teams required careful navigation.

Data Security: Ensuring robust data security and privacy measures within the application to protect sensitive information was a paramount concern.

Integration within SpotCues: Seamlessly integrating the Job Scheduler feature within the broader SpotCues application demanded intricate design and engineering to maintain consistency and usability.

User Experience Optimisation: Maintaining an intuitive and user-friendly interface for various tasks, including job management, shift scheduling, leave applications, and appraisals, was crucial to ensure a positive user experience.

Solving these challenges was at the heart of creating a successful and user-friendly Job Scheduler.


To address the challenges posed by the Job Scheduler project, we implemented the following solutions:

Intuitive User Interface: We designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface that caters to the needs of both individual users and managers. This approach allows for seamless navigation through various tasks, from job management to shift scheduling, leave applications, and appraisals.

Data Security Measures: Robust data security and privacy measures were incorporated to ensure the protection of sensitive information. User data is safeguarded through encryption and secure access controls.

Seamless Integration: The Job Scheduler feature was seamlessly integrated within the SpotCues application, maintaining consistency and usability. This integration allows for a unified user experience and easy access to all related functionalities.

Customisation and Personalisation: The system was designed to be highly customisable, allowing users and managers to tailor their experience based on their unique needs. Customisation options enhance user engagement and overall satisfaction.

User-Centric Design: A user-centric approach guided the entire development process, ensuring that the interface and functionalities were aligned with the needs and preferences of the end users.

By implementing these solutions, we successfully overcame the challenges and created a Job Scheduler that streamlines work management and optimizes user experiences, both for individuals and managers.

Visual Design

The presented UI screens are just a glimpse; additional screens can be demonstrated upon request during a screen-sharing session.


In conclusion, the Job Scheduler project has been a journey of innovation and transformation in work management. It has addressed complex challenges, including the development of a user-centric interface, robust data security, seamless integration within SpotCues, and the need for customisation and personalisation.

The result is a Job Scheduler that offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for managing job-related tasks, shift schedules, leave applications, and appraisals. It not only simplifies work processes for individual users but also provides managers with a holistic view of their teams.

The project showcases the power of design thinking and user-centric development in creating a valuable tool that enhances work efficiency and user satisfaction. Job Scheduler is more than just a feature; it's a solution that redefines how we manage our work, offering a promising future of streamlined work management.

*Respecting client NDAs and data privacy, actual data is excluded.